I thought this was a good advertisment! So simple yet so impactful.
Friday, January 29, 2010
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Art and society
Hello! So this post revolves how art interlinks with other sectors of society.
Arts and entertainment
Art and entertainment are knitted closely together. Some forms of art are for entertainment; music, dance, literature.
The entertainment buisness has now used artistic elements. The people in the film industry for example which entertains the masses have inusulated rhthym, coordination of colour into the films. In doing so, it gives a more aesthetic look to the film. This also deviates from the traditional forms of art where art was only for the rich. Now with new technology, entertainment brings art to the masses. My favourite example of a film which uses artistic alement is 'My blueberry nights'.
Buisness, science and technology
In this profit driven world, sometimes art can be deem as a commodity. It is mainly about 'branding'. Many 'buisness-minded' art collectors may collect art works done my famous artists as an investment without appreciating the artist's expression. Even an auction house is a form of buisness, the put a monetary value on an artist expression. This kinds of act trigger many questions on how we should appreciate art. At a macro perspective, art helps gain revenue for a country. Tourist would like to visit museums that hold famous artworks.
As science and technology advances , it seems that art seems to be less significant. This could because new technological gadgets provides us with instanteneous gratifcation.While art is may be deem as impractical. However, in the late 20th, early 21st century we have seen many artist incoporating science and technology into their art. Such artist include Nam June Paik, Bill Viola. This inclusion enhances the art scene, it makes art relevant to the masses. It also diversify the different forms of expression which an artist can use.
Communications and media
I would think that art is a form of communication itself. The artist transporting his intentions into his artwork as a tool for him to communicate with his reader. Along with the artwork, there are ideas that he would like the viewer to comprehend and maybe, emphathise.
Media acts like a microphone, to convey infomation to everybody connected. Many museums, auction houses, galleries make use of media to advertise an event that is happening. Media connects all sorts of people from different background, this also could be a way to draw general public into art.
Local newspaper, Lifestyle section, weekly feature artist to write about. I feel that is one way to help the artist to be known to the public. The newspaper discusses the prominent themes addressed in a particular artist's work. This arouses interest among the readers.
Disadvantage and marginalized
I think art is one of the few ways, attention can be given to the disadvantage and marginalized. In our society, this unfortunate people are ignored and discriminated. It is always a sensitive issue to talk about it in the open. People would rather avoid such topics in conversations as it could cause tenstion or unease. Some artist use art as a form of protest against the act of discrimination or confrontation to the people who are oblivion to the group of minorities. It is seen in many artist such as Duane Hanson, DedeSupria, Cindy Sherman. It could be also a way to put value into these people who are mostly shunned, looked down upon.
Personally I feel that art in the education system is ridgid in my country. Lessons revolve around skills which I guess important if one wants to pursue a career in the art, design industry. Aesthetic quality is one of the yard stick that artworks are judge by. But then again, isn't art subjective. What could be pleasing to the eye for one could be an eye sore for another.
On the other hand, with education, one can appreciate art better. This is because students are educated with knowledge of different artist, their background and so on. Moreover, they are able to develop their style through the different mediums they are exposed to.
Family plays an important role in either instilling a sense of appreciation towards art or disregard for art. However, it is a common sight for parents in Singapore to sterotype art as impractical, useless, 'waste of time'. It is quite ironic that most parents want their child to be creative, allowing them to draw when they are young but as they grow older, expression through art seems to be suppressed.
In the past, communist leaders use art (mostly paintings or sculptures) as a form of propaganda potraying their leaders in a positive light. During the holocaust, censorship was rampant. Hitler would purge artist that expressed themselves or he would force them to paint propaganda paintings. They could see the influence a painting could have.
In modern times, this has changed. Government spend revenue to encourage artistic development. Such example is the esplanade and School of the Arts. I guess they have seen the value of art to the economy.
In a nutshell, art is very important in a society. It is part of a country's culture and human identity. So here is my take on art and the world. Seeya next time! :)
Arts and entertainment
Art and entertainment are knitted closely together. Some forms of art are for entertainment; music, dance, literature.
The entertainment buisness has now used artistic elements. The people in the film industry for example which entertains the masses have inusulated rhthym, coordination of colour into the films. In doing so, it gives a more aesthetic look to the film. This also deviates from the traditional forms of art where art was only for the rich. Now with new technology, entertainment brings art to the masses. My favourite example of a film which uses artistic alement is 'My blueberry nights'.

Buisness, science and technology
In this profit driven world, sometimes art can be deem as a commodity. It is mainly about 'branding'. Many 'buisness-minded' art collectors may collect art works done my famous artists as an investment without appreciating the artist's expression. Even an auction house is a form of buisness, the put a monetary value on an artist expression. This kinds of act trigger many questions on how we should appreciate art. At a macro perspective, art helps gain revenue for a country. Tourist would like to visit museums that hold famous artworks.
As science and technology advances , it seems that art seems to be less significant. This could because new technological gadgets provides us with instanteneous gratifcation.While art is may be deem as impractical. However, in the late 20th, early 21st century we have seen many artist incoporating science and technology into their art. Such artist include Nam June Paik, Bill Viola. This inclusion enhances the art scene, it makes art relevant to the masses. It also diversify the different forms of expression which an artist can use.
Communications and media
I would think that art is a form of communication itself. The artist transporting his intentions into his artwork as a tool for him to communicate with his reader. Along with the artwork, there are ideas that he would like the viewer to comprehend and maybe, emphathise.
Media acts like a microphone, to convey infomation to everybody connected. Many museums, auction houses, galleries make use of media to advertise an event that is happening. Media connects all sorts of people from different background, this also could be a way to draw general public into art.

Disadvantage and marginalized
I think art is one of the few ways, attention can be given to the disadvantage and marginalized. In our society, this unfortunate people are ignored and discriminated. It is always a sensitive issue to talk about it in the open. People would rather avoid such topics in conversations as it could cause tenstion or unease. Some artist use art as a form of protest against the act of discrimination or confrontation to the people who are oblivion to the group of minorities. It is seen in many artist such as Duane Hanson, DedeSupria, Cindy Sherman. It could be also a way to put value into these people who are mostly shunned, looked down upon.
Personally I feel that art in the education system is ridgid in my country. Lessons revolve around skills which I guess important if one wants to pursue a career in the art, design industry. Aesthetic quality is one of the yard stick that artworks are judge by. But then again, isn't art subjective. What could be pleasing to the eye for one could be an eye sore for another.
On the other hand, with education, one can appreciate art better. This is because students are educated with knowledge of different artist, their background and so on. Moreover, they are able to develop their style through the different mediums they are exposed to.
Family plays an important role in either instilling a sense of appreciation towards art or disregard for art. However, it is a common sight for parents in Singapore to sterotype art as impractical, useless, 'waste of time'. It is quite ironic that most parents want their child to be creative, allowing them to draw when they are young but as they grow older, expression through art seems to be suppressed.
In the past, communist leaders use art (mostly paintings or sculptures) as a form of propaganda potraying their leaders in a positive light. During the holocaust, censorship was rampant. Hitler would purge artist that expressed themselves or he would force them to paint propaganda paintings. They could see the influence a painting could have.

In a nutshell, art is very important in a society. It is part of a country's culture and human identity. So here is my take on art and the world. Seeya next time! :)
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Singpost apologises for publicity stunt By sujin Thomas

Controversty arosed over a publicity campaign based on the Youth Olympic Games. The saga began when six post boxes around Singapore was sprayed with graffiti by a 'shadowy masked figure'. The uninformed public became suspicious and mistook the deed as an act of vandalism and the police was contacted. The stakeholders of this project included SingPost, and the candidates in the competition. The police felt agitated that Singpost did not explain to them in detail how they were going to carry out their stunt and how they squander their resources on a misunderstanding. Also, they felt that the blame should not be on them. Members of the public was suspicious of the doing hence called up the police. SingPost was apologetic at the inconvinenced caused.
So, to what extent can we consider such graffiti stunts as art?
Graffiti is any type of public markings that may appear in the forms of simple written words to elaborate wall paintings. Graffiti has existed since ancient times, with examples dating back to Ancient Greece and the Ancient Roman empire. Since the act is enduring can we consider it art? Art is a form of self expression. Singpost gave opportunity for youth to express themselves in a creative manner. Moreover, the graffiti produced were aesthically pleasing, in which it is subjective. Personally, I feel that the graffiti adds live into the dull stainless steel post box. The definition of art is to express onself, in this case to publicise a Singpost. However, it is pointless to do so, if the public is unable to receive the message as how the intended it to be. The government and authorities are to regulate art. If self expression is place at areas where unprohibited (or without permission), it Crime is often referred to as an act that is intended to harm a certain group of people or public. Graffiti can be only referred to as an act of crime when it is placed inappropriately.
Singapore is a traditional, conservative society. Freedom of expression sometimes can be limited. Eventhough, we have said that we are modernised, there are certain types of art that are attatched to sterotypes. The sterotypes that are attatch to graffiti : One is a ganster and so on. The society must be able to embrace self expression in order for art to enhance our lives. The society must be open to art, and art should not be offensive to the public. Art can serve to strengthen bonds between countrymen as it gives a form of identity (eg. batik). Majority of the Singaporeans are not well exposed to art and many cannot appreciate it. Some find art impractical and useless. Hence they dismiss such graffitis as vandalism. Those people are ignorant to the different kind of art and what is art in general. Or, they could have a traditional view point of art. They might just think that art should only be placed in a gallery. Therefore, the may be unwilling to accept graffiti as a form of art.
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